Yuri PyBot command documentation:


Shows information about the bot and its host.

60 seconds channel
This command will fetch a large range of information about the bot and its host.
This info will include:
Developer A quick link to the developer of Yuri.
Version Version of Yuri that is running.
Uptime The time that Yuri has been up from since last restart.
Average latency Yuri's global latency to Discord's API.
Shards Number of shards Yuri is made up of.
Python/Library version The Python version and libary version that Yuri is currently running off of.
OS Name and version of the Operating system Yuri is running on.
Guilds The number of guilds Yuri is in.
Users The number of users Yuri is serving.
Memory usage The physical, virtual and SWAP memory usage info for the bot.
CPU usage The CPU usage of the bot.
