Yuri PyBot command documentation:


Pick a category and try to guess the word in a limited amount of guesses.

Full command:
/hangman [category]
10 seconds user 1 game per user
Name Type Description Required Default
category Choice Word category to use for game. Yes 🔄 Random
The bot will pick a random word from a list and you have a limited amount of guesses to figure out the word.
You do this by guessing letters and correct guesses will reveal them in the word, incorrect will reduce the amount of "lives" you have left. You start with 10 lives.
You can also guess the word which getting correct will instantly win the game but getting wrong will remove all your remaining lives.

To make a letter guess send a message mentioning the bot with the letter afterwards (Eg: @Yuri PyBot a would guess "a").
To guess the word send a message mentioning the bot followed by a * with the word afterwards (Eg: @Yuri PyBot * Hello world would guess "hello world").
To end the game type a mention followed by "end" (Eg: @Yuri PyBot end).
